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Create Deep Roots Shortcut
1) From the Desktop (main Windows screen), right-click where there are no icons.  From the drop-down menu, left-click "New" then "Shortcut".
2) Copy then Paste the text from one of the below shortcuts, into the "Type the location of the item:" box, then click "Next":
a. Shortcut a:  
The above shortcut is for 64 bit PC's, which is the vast majority of PC's in use. Try the above shortcut unless you're positive the PC is 32 bit.
b. Shortcut b:  
The above shortcut is for 32 bit PC's. If you use this shortcut on a 64 bit PC, it will generaly work, but label printing and some other functions won't work.
3) If after using shortcut "a" above you get the below error, then you need to use shortcut "b" from step 2:
4) Name the shortcut "Pharmacy Systems" then click the "Finish" button:
5) Your new shortcut icon should look like this.
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